Kira Charles

Kira Charles

Doctoral Clinical Extern

As a doctoral clinical extern, I focus on psychological evaluation and clinical assessment. The difficulties individuals face and how they may be alleviated are incredibly important to me. I am also guided by humanistic principles, and I believe in the inherent potential for growth and self-actualization within every person. I am dedicated to creating a non-judgmental space where clients can explore their experiences, values, and goals. Through collaborative exploration and  thoughtful and thorough psychological assessment, the correct diagnosis can be made and helpful treatment plans can be created.

I am currently pursuing my doctoral degree in Clinical Psychology at Adler University with an emphasis in Neuropsychology. While I have an interest in ADHD and neurodiversity, I have training and experience in assessment with multiple diagnoses. I am administering assessments under direct supervision of a doctoral level licensed clinical Psychologist.

When I'm not working, I spend my free time hanging out with my dogs and playing old school NES games.

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